Lake City Area Arts - Board Member Application

LCAA Leadership Team Expectations and covenant Promise…

By joining the LCAA board, I pledge myself to be a helpful and valued leader.

the following is my covenant:

  • I am responsible for helping ensure the stability and development of the Lake City Area Arts

  • As a member on the leadership team, I pledge to help carry out the mission of the LCAA

  • I am responsible to take an active role in meetings, activities, events, and fundraising for the organization

  • Along with my other leadership members, I accept the responsibility of meeting the annual campaign goals as established

  • I understand that I will pay for all events (just as the public does) and give freely of my time, talents and resources as they fit

  • I will be active on a minimum of three committees and/or events throughout the calendar year

  • I understand that my attendance at board, committee and special meetings is crucial to our progress and will commit to be on time and present at least 80% of the time

  • I agree to keep confidential any sensitive information shared at board or committee meetings, or in conversations with staff or other board members

  • As a member of the leadership team, I pledge to carry out this agreement to the best of my ability and to trust and encourage my fellow board members to do likewise

  • If I cannot do the above named things due to personal reasons, I will ask to be removed from the board